Daniel Pavlinovic

My story

I was born and live in Dubrovnik (Croatia), which is in the meteorological sense a very interesting city. It is located on the east coast of Adriatic, with a Mediterranean climate, and it is often in the way of Mediterranean cyclones and other atmospheric disturbances. Because these cyclones usually pass further north, snow rarely falls in Dubrovnik, but the frequency of thunder is among the highest in Croatia and beyond. Average annual rainfall in Dubrovnik is considerably higher than for example in London, and at the same time it has more sunshine hours than London. This is because here atmospheric processes are more turbulent and dynamic so we can say that Dubrovnik is a sunny but at the same time rainy city. From all this it follows that it would be strange not to love the weather in Dubrovnik. Weather conditions have fascinated me since my early childhood. Through the “fog” I remember thunder, wind and snow from when I was so young that it is hard for me to believe that my memory goes back that far, so strong were the impressions they left on me. In elementary school I often recorded weather conditions my homework, writing about them and drawing them. Then I figured out that I should simply capture them with my camera. It did not take long to develop and love of photography, and then to connect these two passions. With my first SLR camera, Zenit TTL, I photographed the clouds and waves, and some of these photos are available on this page under the heading ‘my old photos’. In 2004 I again start to engage in photography more intensely by purchasing my first digital camera, the Olympus mju 410, and then my first dSLR Olympus E-500. Since just before that I joined a newly opened meteorological forum Crometeo (2003), it was my wish to post my photographs there along with my reports, which led to the growing need for learning photography. Crometeo forum was rapidly growing and in November 2005 we brought it to another level by founding the Crometeo association. Since then I have been a board member of the Crometeo association, and meanwhile I graduated with a thesis on weather radars, and today I am a member of the Croatian Meteorological Society.


Some of my photographic and meteorological achievements:


Winner of the photo of the year for ePix (2010).

Winner of the competition for best meteorological photo for World Meteorological Day 2014.

Winner of the photography competition HRphotocontest on the topic of National Geographic III.

Inclusion of two photos in the calendar of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) for 2015 (calendar cover and June).

Inclusion of two photos in the 1st Pannonia Reflections International exhibition organised by the Photographic Society Pannonia Lendava.

Winner of the 6th Open Weather Forecasting Championship of Montenegro, organized by the Hydrometeorological Institute of Montenegro.

As a representative of the Croatian Meteorological Society I was a member of the preselection jury for the European meteorological photo of the year 2014 organized by the European Meteorological Society.

Photo exhibition at 12th Science Festival.

A permanent member of the Crometeo photo exhibition Meteorological contrasts.

Several joint and one solo exhibition of photographs.

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